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Miniaturka MTV
39946 - Kasou Taishou 87 - (36) Dance Club Mirror
Kasou Taishou 87 - No.36 Dance Club Mirror 珏87次全日本假装大赏——36号:镜子的舞蹈 (13 879x oglądano na YT)
okejki 5 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV - Ridiculous Break-in Attempt
Włamanie bystrego grubaska.
okejki 11 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Agnieszka Radwanska 2013 Sony Open Tennis Hot Shot
WTA on Facebook: WTA on Twitter: (301x oglądano na YT)
przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Opening a Soda on the Ocean Floor
Astronaut Chris Hadfield shakes and then opens a Coke can while living on the ocean floor. Find out more: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: (66 293x oglądano na YT)
okejki 16 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
My Wedding Speech
Here's my speech from our wedding 12-5-12. It's possibly the most nervous I've ever been in my life (about the speech, not the wedding!). My twitter is @tommcfly for anyone interested. All the songs in my speech are songs by my band, we're called Mcfly. I rewrote the lyrics for the wedding speech but if you like them then check us out at the links below. I got a load of idea(…)
okejki 2 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
DeAndre Jordan MONSTER DUNK over Brandon Knight - 3/10/13 (NSFW)
(963x oglądano na YT)
okejki 4 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
The Office: 69
Hey youtube i dont own this mmmmkay? (7 843x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Skandaliczna wypowiedź bp Pieronka na temat pedofilii w kościele.
Polish Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek about pedophilia in Catholic Church in the context of the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI. "Pope struggled with a much larger themes than pedophilia. He was trying to make people live according to the commandments of God. It is far more important task than to clarify the matter of pedophilia that was in the world, is and will be. No force can sto(…)
okejki 19 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Daigo Kobayashi Scorpion kick Golazo!!! (Vancouver Whitecaps) v Charleston Battery
Daigo Kobayashi Scorpion kick Golazo!!! (Vancouver Whitecaps) v Charleston Battery (4 265x oglądano na YT)
okejki 7 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Best Harlem Shake [18+] [NSFW]
Best Harlem Shake [18+] [NSFW] (3 733x oglądano na YT)
okejki 12 · przed dinozaurami